Reconnect with Nature - Reconnect with yourself

The L.E.A.D. with Nature programme combines the art of mindfulness in scenic nature with interactive and sensory activities, such as the Mindful Trust Walk in Nature with blindfolded pairs, to deepen participants’ connections with their own selves, with each other and with nature. In the process, you will awaken the six senses, develop stronger trust and bonds, as well as enhanced presence, clarity, peace and wellbeing. They will also learn how to bring back the practice of mindfulness
to daily life for managing daily stresses and enhance mental resilience.
​Learning Outcomes
1. Build self awareness, self confidence and a positive mindset for stewardship towards nature and the community
2. Increase awareness sustainability through experiential learning
3. Kick start a repository of practical urban edible gardening knowledge for continuity and sustainability
4. Provide opportunities for ownership and leadership of an urban edible garden management system