Kim never throws anything usable away.
Aluminum cans and shopping bags take on a whole new life because Kim felt “pity” for and saw potential in them. Kim creates her own Aluminum Art designs of Butterfly, Pig, Minivan and her very popular–Rose. As a fulltime mother with a full time office job, Kim only completes two pieces of artwork a day. Making a simple rose requires patience, as the cans need to be washed, measured, cut and twisted evenly. Care has to be taken to make the edges dull so that it is safe for wearing.
“I cherished this opportunity to promote recycling and do my part to save the Earth.” Kim takes her efforts further by making origami boxes out of shopping bags and also teaches Aluminum Art cutting to children and adults in RCs, shopping malls and various other events. “I love that Aluminum cans are so bright, colourful and challenging. I feel so rewarded when people appreciate my efforts so I don’t feel tired at all.”