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Life is full of obstacles, but we must be brave enough to focus on the joy.

Elisabetta Jiang

Life is full of obstacles, but we must be brave enough to focus on the joy.

– Pauline Ang

Pauline Ang was “forced” to start FLTF Design when the art and craft shop she was working at went out of business. Her publishing background as an illustrator and designer for children educational books, and love of ceramics, glassware and wood, inspired her to create handpainted vivid ceramic art that brings out the child in the young and not-so-young.

One of her key project depicts 9 milestones of a person’s life; from one’s first birthday to falling in love to getting a new home to enjoying retirement at the sea. “I especially love working with tiles as people use them to build their homes, their life.”

Skills & Enrichment Program-training are available if you want to enrich your life. “At FLTF, our mission is to share our love & passion for this joyous art. We wish that our joy would become your joy too!”

Visit for more information.

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