SIP Academy, with the support of Singapore’s Sporting Government Agency Sport SG, and SEED’s F&B resident partners Kin Kao Mai and Pump Station, teamed up to deliver a meaningful, mindful and active National Day celebratory day out organised for the YMCA Student Care Centre from Oasis Primary School on 10 August 2022.
Image credit: Sport SG
Spending half a day with the kids over the National Day School Holidays, the facilitators impressed upon the students the importance of living well and paying attention to one’s mind and body through fun and engaging activities of Kpop dance, mindfulness practice and cooking.
The kids were introduced to concepts of mindfulness through an active body sensation activity with the use of yoga balls, amidst the lush rustic greenery setting of SEED@SIP. After a thorough workout to the Kpop beats under the lead of the Active SG fitness instructor, the kids worked up an appetite to exercise their creative juices to create their own pizzas, salads and soups with the help of the Kin Kao Mai and Pump Station teams- and even had the opportunity to partake in the cookout in the commercial kitchen!
To learn more about SIP Academy’s mindfulness-based programmes, drop us a note at academy@socialinnovationpark.org