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A Revolutionary Tech For Good Global Movement

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What is Tech For Good ?

Humanity is at the critical crossroad.


The profound global challenges we see today require us to think differently and take collective action for radical change. As we stand at the brink of the fourth industrial revolution, where technology has the power to transform scarcity into abundance and challenges into opportunities, we have the unique opportunity to unlock this potential and quantum leap

into a regenerative world by applying technology for greater good.

Our goal is to collectively reframe these global challenges as growth opportunities.


Problems as possibilities. Scarcity as opportunity to create abundance.   

Social Innovation Park is creating a Tech for Good platform called  Unicorns for Good

which connects technologists, business leaders, startup founders,

investors, philanthropists, and policymakers worldwide

to collaborate on tech-driven solutions for social good.


To learn more about this project and to be part of a dynamic ecosystem

dedicated to creating a better world, click on the link here!

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We aim to educate, empower, and enhance a new generation of technologists, entrepreneurs, and leaders to consciously apply, develop and scale technology

for the greater good; imbuing purpose in innovation and technological application towards a regenerative economy. Radical acceleration

and scaling of impact innovation is our mission.


A world where we see more Tech-for-Good unicorns generating

exponential returns to People, Planet, and Profits, at scale.

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For more information and to sign up for our Mindfulness programmes, reach out to us!

Join Social Innovation Park in co-creating a more inclusive, sustainable and mindful world. 

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